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Bardo is a Barcelona-based digital product agency fueled by deep thoughts, creativity and bold methodologies. We design innovative products and propel companies. We don't work from endless briefs with assumed problem/solution sets. We do Design Sprints, Brand Sprints and Innovation Workshops in order for you identify what really needs to be fixed. Then we help you to list, build and validate solutions. We move fast. Bardo is run by humans with complimentary talents that blur the lines between design and engineering and encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Bardo 是一家總部位於巴塞羅那的數字產品機構,由深刻的思想、創造力和大膽的方法推動。 我們設計創新產品並推動公司發展。我們不會根據假設的問題/解決方案集的無休止的簡報工作。我們進行設計衝刺、品牌衝刺和創新研討會,以便您確定真正需要解決的問題。然後我們幫助您列出、構建和驗證解決方案。我們行動迅速。 Bardo 由具有互補才能的人經營,這些人才模糊了設計和工程之間的界限,並鼓勵跨學科合作。